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    Grouped product items
    Product Code Wheel Diameter Wheel Diameter Load Capacity (kg) Load Capacity Bolt Hole Size Bolt Hole Size Total Castor Height Total Castor Height Price 1+
    (ex. VAT)
    Price 20+
    (ex. VAT)
    Price 50+
    (ex. VAT)
    Buy Quantity
    FS-P2013 50 50 8 70




    FS-P2013-M10 50 50 10 70




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    Grouped product items
    Product Code Wheel Diameter Wheel Diameter Load Capacity (kg) Load Capacity Bolt Hole Size Bolt Hole Size Total Castor Height Total Castor Height Price 1+
    (ex. VAT)
    Price 20+
    (ex. VAT)
    Price 50+
    (ex. VAT)
    Buy Quantity
    FS-P2013/BR 50 50 8 70




    FS-P2013/BR-M10 50 50 10 70




    Bulk Enquire For Best Price
    Grouped product items
    Product Code Wheel Diameter Wheel Diameter Load Capacity (kg) Load Capacity Plate Length (mm) Plate Length (mm) Plate Width (mm) Plate Width (mm) Price 1+
    (ex. VAT)
    Buy Quantity
    80-3368-RNB 80 150 99 85


    100-3368-RNB 100 160 101 85


    125-3368-RNB 125 200 101 85


    160-3368-RNB 160 300 140 110


    200-3368-RNB 200 400 140 110


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  4. Rubber Castor with Brake

    On our range of 3360 Series blue rubber braked castors. These particular castors feature a non-marking wheel which is durable and easy to move over uneven floors! Choose from 5 wheel sizes, for more product specifications, click on the individual product codes.

    Grouped product items
    Product Code Wheel Diameter Wheel Diameter Load Capacity (kg) Load Capacity Plate Length (mm) Plate Length (mm) Plate Width (mm) Plate Width (mm) Price 1+
    (ex. VAT)
    Buy Quantity
    80-3360-RNB/SWB 80 150 105 85


    100-3360-RNB/SWB 100 160 105 85


    125-3360-RNB/SWB 125 200 105 85


    160-3360-RNB/SWB 160 300 137 105


    200-3360-RNB/SWB 200 400 137 105


    Bulk Enquire For Best Price
    Grouped product items
    Product Code Wheel Diameter Wheel Diameter Load Capacity (kg) Load Capacity Bolt Hole Size Bolt Hole Size Total Castor Height Total Castor Height Price 1+
    (ex. VAT)
    Price 20+
    (ex. VAT)
    Price 50+
    (ex. VAT)
    Buy Quantity
    50-310-R 50 60 10 72




    60-310-R 60 65 10 82




    75-310-R 75 70 10 100




    100-310-R 100 80 10 122




    125-310-R 125 80 10 150




    Bulk Enquire For Best Price
    Grouped product items
    Product Code Wheel Diameter Wheel Diameter Load Capacity (kg) Load Capacity Bolt Hole Size Bolt Hole Size Total Castor Height Total Castor Height Price 1+
    (ex. VAT)
    Price 20+
    (ex. VAT)
    Price 50+
    (ex. VAT)
    Buy Quantity
    50-310-R/SWB 50 60 10 72




    60-310-R/SWB 60 65 10 82




    75-310-R/SWB 75 70 10 100




    100-310-R/SWB 100 80 10 122




    125-310-R/SWB 125 80 10 150




    Bulk Enquire For Best Price
    Grouped product items
    Product Code Wheel Diameter Wheel Diameter Load Capacity (kg) Load Capacity Bolt Hole Size Bolt Hole Size Total Castor Height Total Castor Height Price 1+
    (ex. VAT)
    Buy Quantity
    80-4000-RNB 80 100 12 108


    100-4000-RNB 100 120 12 128


    125-4000-RNB 125 150 12 157


    160-4000-RNB 160 200 12 195


    200-4000-RNB 200 200 12 240


    Bulk Enquire For Best Price
    Grouped product items
    Product Code Wheel Diameter Wheel Diameter Load Capacity (kg) Load Capacity Bolt Hole Size Bolt Hole Size Total Castor Height Total Castor Height Price 1+
    (ex. VAT)
    Price 20+
    (ex. VAT)
    Price 50+
    (ex. VAT)
    Buy Quantity
    80-4000-GV 80 70 12 108




    100-4000-GV 100 80 12 128




    125-4000-GV 125 100 12 157




    160-4000-GVR 160 135 12 195




    Bulk Enquire For Best Price
    Grouped product items
    Product Code Wheel Diameter Wheel Diameter Load Capacity (kg) Load Capacity Bolt Hole Size Bolt Hole Size Total Castor Height Total Castor Height Price 1+
    (ex. VAT)
    Price 20+
    (ex. VAT)
    Price 50+
    (ex. VAT)
    Buy Quantity
    80-4000-GV/SWB 80 70 12 108




    100-4000-GV/SWB 100 80 12 128




    125-4000-GV/SWB 125 100 12 157




    160-4000-GVR/SWB 160 135 12 195




    Bulk Enquire For Best Price
    Grouped product items
    Product Code Wheel Diameter Wheel Diameter Load Capacity (kg) Load Capacity Plate Length (mm) Plate Length (mm) Plate Width (mm) Plate Width (mm) Price 1+
    (ex. VAT)
    Price 20+
    (ex. VAT)
    Price 50+
    (ex. VAT)
    Buy Quantity
    FS-P2014/BR 50 50 50 50




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